Friday, August 28, 2009

Hide and Seek

Well, I just discovered where my little lizard friend is hiding during the day. 

It's 6:31 PM and still quite light out. For the sake of the blog, I am going to call it the "powder room" -- where there is a cabinet mounted on the wall. Now in the powder room, I just discovered my little gecko peeking out from behind the cabinet -- this is where he must be taking refuge during the daylight hours. He doesn't use utilities nor the water which I pay for... hmmm,I wonder how much should I charge him for rent?

Did You Know A Gecko Can Poop On A Vertical Surface?

Well, I didn't until this little fella took up residence in the vanity/sink area of the master bathroom (I turned the master bedroom into my office.)

He showed up about ten days ago and I am assuming, resides somewhere in the cabinets below the sink and bathroom countertop. He appears after dusk, and disappears around dawn. It must be an ideal environment for him, since I don't believe he'd hang around if it wasn't to his little lizard liking.

But... it wasn't until yesterday that I noticed small spots on the walls near the juncture of the wall and ceiling. I'm guessing (and I am not going to pursue closer inspection) that the marks are gecko poops. Trying to catch a gecko is nearly impossible as they are quite fast and will jump off of the wall or ceiling to scurry quickly away, but they will also drop their tails in their attempt for escape (if you don't believe me, ask Dana... we've some first hand experience with this.)

I guess I am just going to have to happily commune with nature, and learn to curb my gecko!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Promises, promises (I promise not to be such a stranger!!!)

Hello all!!

WOW! It's been a productive summer. 

I checked out my last post, dated 07/06 and I cannot believe 2 months have flown by. It's been a busy and productive summer!

My sister Dana was here for about 10 days the beginning of July, and my dear friend (and very talented artist/designer) Hoodie and her son Zento were here at the end of July. In between the two visits, I was still -- and continue -- to acclimate myself to my new home. By home I do not just mean house -- but my entire surroundings. Day by day, week by week, I discover more reasons I am so happy that I have made the move to Maui...


The day after Hoodie and Zento continued on with their trip to Japan, I jumped into hyperdrive with creativity. I have been continually sewing this, or glueing that, stripping, painting, drilling, screwing or nailing (oh my!) something.  I have been photo-documenting my projects and I'll share them with you in the coming weeks... but first yet another wonderful delight of having moved to this marvelous place.

My neighbors have a couple of papaya trees near their residence on the small strip of property between our houses. As the papayas ripen, naturally they are harvested... but just last week they were ripening faster than they could be consumed... at least by we humans.

Hopefully another post before the week is up!