Hello all!!
WOW! It's been a productive summer.
I checked out my last post, dated 07/06 and I cannot believe 2 months have flown by. It's been a busy and productive summer!
My sister Dana was here for about 10 days the beginning of July, and my dear friend (and very talented artist/designer) Hoodie and her son Zento were here at the end of July. In between the two visits, I was still -- and continue -- to acclimate myself to my new home. By home I do not just mean house -- but my entire surroundings. Day by day, week by week, I discover more reasons I am so happy that I have made the move to Maui...
The day after Hoodie and Zento continued on with their trip to Japan, I jumped into hyperdrive with creativity. I have been continually sewing this, or glueing that, stripping, painting, drilling, screwing or nailing (oh my!) something. I have been photo-documenting my projects and I'll share them with you in the coming weeks... but first yet another wonderful delight of having moved to this marvelous place.
My neighbors have a couple of papaya trees near their residence on the small strip of property between our houses. As the papayas ripen, naturally they are harvested... but just last week they were ripening faster than they could be consumed... at least by we humans.
Hopefully another post before the week is up!
I want those papayas!!!! Dana